Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend!! My best friend (Patricia) and I, took a last minute trip to Palm Springs. Believe it or not, we’ve been best friends for nearly a decade and this was our first road trip together! Despise the fact that Palm Springs is the city for retired seniors, we ignited our inner “weird” and had a blast. Even with this 100 degree face melting, sweat drenching, cursed weather!

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After our little shenanigans at The Saguaro Hotel, we grabbed some dinner and called it a night. We had an early morning because we made it a mission to visit Salvation Mountain.


We were the only car on this whole entire highway! So we did what any girl would do, PHOTOSHOOT!!

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BEHOLD! Salvation Mountain and all it’s glory!!






40 minutes and 200 pictures later, it was time to go home. Back at the hotel we met a couple of girls who told us they’re on a road trip as well. During their travels they stopped by a “beach” called, the Salton Sea that was on the way to Salvation Mountain. We stopped by for a bit but it was so damn hot that we couldn’t bare standing out there just to look at a body of water for more than 10 mins.


With such chaotic work schedules it’s always a strain to plan a trip together. But somehow time was on our side for once (we didn’t even know it was a 3 day holiday!) and I’m glad it was. Love you, P ♡



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